Learn to Draw a Bird and Studio Practice
- Free
Date/Time: Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Location: Galena Creek Visitor Center
Leader: Lindsay Dimitri Co-Leader: Diane Wong-Kone
Description: Come and see Lahontan Audubon Society's taxidermy bird collection at Galena Creek Visitor Center. Ecologist Lindsay Dimitri, who you may remember from the avian scatter-hoarding monthly presentation last winter, will do a quick bird drawing demonstration, and then you can choose a bird from the collection to practice your own drawing. Please bring sketching and coloring tools of your choice. This would be a good time to practice some of the skills learned in our series of bird drawing workshops with Christine Elder and John Muir Laws, available for viewing on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZoWXHKL68g06gMRH-1wDlzwowbFGrI4o . Come learn about birds through art with us! Nearby trails can be explored before or after the workshop.